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🔶  R. K. Saini (2023), "Numerical investigation of drop deformation, coalescence and breakage in pulsatile flow through disc and doughnut pulsed column" (Under Preparation for Int. J.Multiphas Flow ).

🔶  R. K. Saini (2023), "CFD study of the mixing at different impeller speed on flow dynamics in stirred tank photobioreactors Using CFD",(Under Preparation for Int. J. Multiphas Flow).

🔶  S. Banerjee, R. K. Saini, S. Dasgupta, A. Atta, D. Das, S. Pandit, A.S. Mathuriya (2022), "Computational fluid dynamics approach for designing of photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation: A review",(Submitted - Dec 2022 & under revision for Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery).

🔶  R. K. Saini, S. Mehrotra, I.A. Ieropoulos, A.S. Mathuriya (2022), "Studies on computational fluid dynamics and flow characteristics of auto-dripping bioelectrochemical reactor (AutoDriBER): A rational basis for e-urinal design ",Intl. J Of Energy Research.
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🔶  A. Abinash, R. K. Saini, S.S. Sahoo (2021), "Two-Phase Flow Analysis in Elbow Bend Pipe Used in Oil Extraction Process: A Computational Approach ",Advances in Mechanical Processing and Design, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. ( )

🔶  R. K. Saini, P. P. Wangikar, M Bose (2020), "Two-Step Modeling for Growth of Microorganisms in Stirred Tank Photobioreactor", Advances in Energy Research, 2, Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore. ( )

🔶  R. K. Saini, P. P. Wangikar, M Bose (2018), "CFD analysis of the flow dynamics of microorganisms in dilute cultures in stirred tank photobioreactors", Bioresource Technology Reports, 3, 238-246. (DOI:


🔶  R. K. Saini, M. Bose (2014), “Stage holdup of dispersed phase in disc & doughnut pulsed column”, Energy Procedia, 54 (0), 796 - 803 (IF: 1.15).



🔶 A. Abinash, R. K. Saini, S.S. Sahoo (2019), "Two-phase flow analysis in elbow bend pipe used in Oil Extraction Process: A Computational Approach", International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Processing and Design (ICAMPD-2019), College Of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India (Oct 18th-20th, 2019).

🔶 R.K. Saini, M. Bose, P. Wangikar (2017), "Two step modeling for growth of microorganisms in stirred tank photobioreactor, 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2017), IIT Bombay (Dec 12th-14th, 2017).

🔶 R.K. Saini, M. Bose, P. Wangikar (2017), "CFD based analysis of stirred tank photobioreactor for growth of micro-organisms", 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Oct. 1-5, 2017, Barcelona (Spain)(Poster).

🔶 R.K. Saini, M. Bose, (2015), "Numerical simulation of drops in a disc and doughnut pulsed column" International conference of 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov.8-13, 2015, USA.

🔶 R.K. Saini, M. Bose (2013), CFD Analysis of flow of two immiscible fluids in a disk and doughnut pulsed column, Proceeding of 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov.3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.

🔶 A.K. Sahu, R.K. Saini, M. Bose (2012), "Conjugate conduction convection and surface radiation in the annulus of two concentric vertical cylinders", Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (HKICEAS 2012)-Hong Kong(Dec 14-16, 2012).


🔶 Paper presented in ENERGY DAY 2017: The Flagship Annual Event of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay(March 18, 2017).

🔶 Paper presented, 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2017), IIT Bombay (Dec 12th-14th, 2017).

🔶 Paper presented, International conference of 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov.8-13, 2015, USA.

🔶 Paper presented in Research Scholars & Alumni Symposium (RSAS) at IIT Bombay (March 7th-8th 2014).

🔶 Poster presented in 4th International Conference (ICAER 2013) on "Advances in Energy Research” - IIT Bombay (Dec 10th-12th, 2013).

🔶 Poster presented in 3rd International Conference (ICAER 2011) on "Advances in Energy Research” - IIT Bombay (Dec 9-11, 2011).

🔶 Poster presented in COMPFLU 2010 on "Rheology of Complex Materials", IIT Madras (Jan 4-9, 2010).

🔶 Poster presented in Chemference-2009, IIT Madras (Aug 22-23, 2009).



🔶 Work presented in "DBT National Workshop on Bioenergy-2018" in Biotech Auditorium, IIT Roorkee (July 06 - 07, 2018).

🔶 Participated in the workshop on "Bio-Entrepreneurship, Grant Writing and Intellectual Property Management", IIT Bombay (Feb 10, 2017).

🔶 Participated in the workshop on "Drupal 8 Site Building” program on Spoken tutorial based Software training, IIT Bombay” - IIT Bombay (Aug28, 2016).

🔶 CSCLeaders for Students conference 2014 participated, "CSCLeaders for Students Mumbai sponsored by BP”, IIT Bombay ( Aug 4 - 7, 2014).

🔶 Participated in the workshop on "Faculty development and training program on Spoken tutorial based Software training, IIT Bombay” - IIT Bombay (Dec 16, 2013).

🔶 Participated in the GlobalTech workshop on "Energy Research for Global Sustainability” - IIT Bombay (Dec 7-8, 2011).

🔶 Program Indo-Canadian Bilateral Workshop 2011 participated, “Management and Valorisation of Industrial and Agricultural Wastes” (MVIAW 2011) – IIT Bombay (Sept 12, 2011).

🔶 "STAR-CCM+ Training Programme, IIT Madras" participated at IIT Madras (Dec 21-23, 2009).

🔶 Rheology Seminar conducted by Anton Paar Germany participated at IIT Madras (Oct 8, 2009).

🔶 "ANSYS - Fluent India Training Programme" participated at IIT Madras (Sept 7-11, 2009).

🔶 Summer Trainee, "30 Days Industrial Training in Mother Dairy" in New Delhi (July, 2007).

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