Provides training of OpenFOAM software (bassic/advance). OpenFOAM is an open source software which is freely available for solving and analyzing problems using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It also creates/helps movies for visualization (with third party software like. paraview) like a real world fluid flow problem. This open source (OpenFOAM), It has capability to solve the problems which are equivalent commercial softwares i.e. FLUENT, COMSOL, Flow 3D etc.
How to use OpenFOAM on FlowFusic cloud (web services)
👉👉 It's a basics information about how to use OpenFOAM on FlowFusic cloud (web services) and installation of openfoam on FlowFusic .i.e. FlowFusic & OpenFoam!
You may contact such a type of assistance and support to study flow modelling using openfoam. i.e. Flow modelling using OpenFOAM.
How to use OpenFOAM on AWS cloud (amazon web services)
👉👉 It's a basics information about how to use OpenFOAM on AWS cloud (amazon web services) and installation of openfoam on AWS .i.e. AWS & OpenFoam!
You may contact such a type of assistance and support to study of flow modelling using openfoam. i.e. Flow modelling using OpenFOAM.
Explanation of a Projection Vector
👉👉 It's a basic information about how to calculate a projection vector on a given vector. i.e. Training & Projection Vectors!
You may contact such a type of assistance and support to study flow modelling using openfoam. i.e. Flow modelling using OpenFOAM.
To create an object (NACA geometry) using Salome
👉👉 It's a basic information about how to use Salome, to create an object (i.e. NACA) on demand from the user’s side when we do not have any inputs. i.e. Training & Salome!
You may contact such a type of assistance and support to study flow modelling using openfoam. i.e. Flow modelling using OpenFOAM.
Part III. Creating a 3D-geometry and generating a mesh of an object using Salome
Describing about creating a 3D-geometry and generating a mesh of an object using Salome, based on user specific requirements and later on discussing OpenFOAM.
Part II. Generate the surface mesh of an object using Salome : Salome
Describing about how to generates the surface mesh of an object using Salome, based on user specific requirements and later on discussing OpenFOAM.
Part I. Creating surfaces of object using Salome : Salome
Describing about creating surfaces of objects using Salome, based on user specific requirements and later on discussing OpenFOAM.
Solver formulation in OpenFOAM
Describing about creating a solver based on user specific requirements in OpenFOAM.
$ foamNewApp myTFOAM
BlockMesh Utility
BlockMesh Utility $CASE (cd ~/WorkingCase) : OpenFOAM
Describing about creating meshing of an object in OpenFOAM.
$ blockMesh
Extracting variables (L2)
Extracting variables $CASE (cd ~/WorkingCase) : OpenFOAM
Describing about exporting variables using foamlog in OpenFOAM.
$ foamLog log.icoFOAM
foamNewApp Utility
Solver formation by using foamNewApp Utility : OpenFOAM
Describing about creating a base solver template in OpenFOAM.
$ foamNewApp NewSolverFoam
mapFields Utility(L2)
Maps fields using mapFields : OpenFOAM
Few commands .i.e. mapFields: OpenFOAM
Describing about mapping the fields variables using mapFields in OpenFOAM.
$ mapFields log.mapFields
Case management utilities
Case management utilities i.e foamListTimes, foamCloneCase & foamCleanPolyMesh: OpenFOAM
Few commands .i.e. foamListTimes, foamCloneCase & foamCleanPolyMesh: OpenFOAM
Describing about utilities in OpenFOAM.
$ foamListTimes -rm
$ foamCloneCase old_case new_case
$ foamCleanPolyMesh
mapFields (L1)
Maps fields using mapFields : OpenFOAM
Few commands .i.e. mapFields: OpenFOAM
Describing about mapping the fields variables using mapFields in OpenFOAM.
$ mapFields log.mapFields
Extracting variables
Extracting variables $CASE (cd ~/WorkingCase) : OpenFOAM
Few commands .i.e. foamlog: OpenFOAM
Describing about exporting variables using foamlog in OpenFOAM.
$ foamLog log.icoFOAM
foamNewApp Utility (L1)
Few commands .i.e. foamNewApp: OpenFOAM
Describing about creating a base solver template in OpenFOAM.
$ foamNewApp NewSolverFoam
Finding files and directories
Finding files and directories : OpenFOAM
Describing about finding files and directories in OpenFOAM.
$ find $FOAM_SRC -name fvMesh.H
Environment variables
Environment variables : OpenFOAM
Few commands : OpenFOAM
Describing about environment variables variables in OpenFOAM.
$ env | grep ^FOAM_
Download OpenFOAM
How can download OpenFOAM and install in your machine using source code of OpenFOAM. There is two version of OpenFOAM available from two sources
Cyclone Separator
This separator mainly used for the separation of solids from the liquids. It mainly consists of the tangential inlet to feed the materials inside the chamber. And it consists of an solids out let and fluid out let, it through the fluid through one side and the separated solids through the other out let.
Tank filling
Transient filling of a tank. Initially, it is full of air,
then, we have used to fill the tank by using the two phases
Particle flow in hopper
Particle flowing from hopper and its a Advanced phase of CFD related Projects.
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor CSTR
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
Multiphase flow simulation .i.e. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). Its a Advanced phase of CFD related Projects.
CFD simulation of centrifugal pump I & II
The CFD simulation of centrifugal pump is carried out to a demonstration of the sliding mesh method and to study its heat gain and its efficiency. The model consists a 3D pump casing and a rotating impeller. In this work, k-e turbulence model is used and this work is carried out using Ansys-FLUENT.
Drop dynamics
Drop spreading phenomena on porous media